The 2006 Ca dei Frati I Frati Lugana is joy in a glass and a feast for the senses. Moreover, it conjures the romance of the terraced, flower-bedecked balconies and stately villas above Lake Garda, not to mention the charm and allure of nearby Verona – the city that provided the world the lore of love in the guise of Romeo and Juliet. Considering this Lugana's many attributes, we have always felt that food accompaniments with the I Frati are strictly optional. Nonetheless, the 2006 Ca dei Frati I Frati complements a variety of light fare, especially fish and the fruits of the sea. Freshwater fish, including perch and trout, provide excellent choices. From the sea, flounder, fluke, grouper, halibut, and sea bass provide superlative companions, too, to complement one of the world's most charismatic white wines. Canapés, light hors d'oeuvres, stuffed mushroom caps, grilled vegetables, salads, and cheeses offer other outstanding choices. Although full-flavored and ready to stand up to more robust cooking, the glory of this I Frati Lugana remains, in our opinion, its subtle, complex flavors and haunting charm, which shine most evidently in the company of simple, uncomplicated fare. Buon Appetito!